@article{NnAaaa, author="M. Zorzi and F. Ticozzi and A. Ferrante", title="Minimal resources identifiability and estimation of quantum channels", journal="Quantum Information Processing", year="2014", month="March", pages="683-707", volume="13", number="3" } @article{NnAaaa, author="M. Zorzi and F. Ticozzi and A. Ferrante", title="Minimum relative entropy for quantum estimation: Feasibility and general solution", journal="IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory", year="2014", month="January", pages="357-367", volume="60", number="1" } @article{NnAaaa, author="F.P. Carli and A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and G. Picci", title="An Efficient Algorithm for Maximum Entropy Extension of Block–Circulant Covariance Matrices", journal="Linear Algebra and its Applications", year="2013", pages="2309 - 2329", volume="439", number="8" } @article{ferrante2013, author="A. Ferrante and H. Wimmer", title="Roth's similarity theorem and rank minimization in the presence of nonderogatory or semisimple eigenvalues", journal="Linear & Multilinear Algebra", year="2013", pages="217-231", volume="61", issn="0308-1087", note="doi = 10.1080/03081087.2012.672570" } @article{ferrante2013-1, author="A. Ferrante and L. Ntogramatzidis", title="The generalised discrete algebraic Riccati equation in linear-quadratic optimal control", journal="Automatica", year="2013", pages="471-478", volume="49", issn="0005-1098", note="doi = 10.1016/j.automatica.2012.11.006" } @article{Ferrante_Pavon_Zorzi_max_entropy, author="A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and M. Zorzi", title="A maximum entropy enhancement for a family of high-resolution spectral estimators", journal="IEEE Trans. Aut. Control", year="2012", month="February", pages="318-329", volume="57", number="2" } @article{ferrante2012-2, author="A. Ferrante and L. Ntogramatzidis", title="Comments on Structural Invariant Subspaces of Singular Hamiltonian Systems and Nonrecursive Solutions of Finite-Horizon Optimal Control Problems", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="2012", pages="270-272", volume="57", issn="0018-9286", note="doi = 10.1109/TAC.2011.2162894" } @article{NnAaaa, author="M. Zorzi and A. Ferrante", title="On the estimation of structured covariance matrices", journal="Automatica", year="2012", month="September", pages="2145-2151", volume="48", number="9" } @article{chiaraMasieroTAC12, author="A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and C. Masiero", title="Time and spectral domain relative entropy: A new approach to multivariate spectral estimation", journal="IEEE Trans. Aut. Contr.", year="2012", month="October", volume="57" } @article{CFPP_TAC2011, author="F.P. Carli and A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and G. Picci", title="A Maximum Entropy Solution of the Covariance Extension Problem for Reciprocal Processes", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="2011", pages="1999 - 2012", volume="56", number="9" } @article{ntogramatzidis2011, author="L. Ntogramatzidis and A. Ferrante", title="Exact tuning of PID controllers in control feedback design", journal="IET Control Theory & Applications", year="2011", pages="565-578", volume="5", issn="1751-8644", note="doi = 10.1049/iet-cta.2010.0239" } @article{ferrante2011, author="A. Ferrante and M. Pavon", title="Matrix Completion a la Dempster by the Principle of Parsimony", journal="IEEE Transactions on Information Theory", year="2011", pages="3925-3931", volume="57", issn="0018-9448", note="doi = 10.1109/TIT.2011.2143970" } @article{ferrante2011-1, author="A. Ferrante and F. Ramponi and F. Ticozzi", title="On the Convergence of an Efficient Algorithm for Kullback-Leibler Approximation of Spectral Densities", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="2011", pages="506-515", volume="56", issn="0018-9286", note="doi = 10.1109/TAC.2010.2057171" } @article{ntogramatzidis2010, author="L. Ntogramatzidis and A. Ferrante", title="On the solution of the Riccati differential equation arising from the LQ optimal control problem", journal="Systems & Control Letters", year="2010", pages="114-121", volume="59", issn="0167-6911" } @article{f.2010, author="F. Ramponi and A. Ferrante and M. Pavon", title="On the well-posedness of multivariate spectrum approximation and convergence of high-resolution spectral estimators", journal="Systems & Control Letters", year="2010", pages="167-172", volume="59", issn="0167-6911", note="doi = 10.1016/j.sysconle.2010.01.001" } @article{ferrante2010, author="A. Ferrante and H. Wimmer", title="Reachability Matrices and Cyclic Matrices", journal="The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra", year="2010", pages="95-102", volume="20", issn="1081-3810" } @article{ramponi2009, author="F. Ramponi and A. Ferrante and M. Pavon", title="A Globally Convergent Matricial Algorithm for Multivariate Spectral Estimation", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="2009", pages="2376-2388", volume="54", issn="0018-9286" } @article{ferrante2008, author="A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and F. Ramponi", title="Hellinger versus Kullback-Leibler multivariable spectrum approximation", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="2008", pages="954-967", volume="53", issn="0018-9286" } @article{ferrante2007-2, author="A. Ferrante and L. Ntogramatzidis", title="A unified approach to finite-horizon generalized LQ optimal control problems for discrete-time systems", journal="Linear Algebra and Its Applications", year="2007", pages="242-260", volume="425", issn="0024-3795" } @article{ferrante2007-1, author="A. Ferrante and L. Ntogramatzidis", title="A unified approach to the finite-horizon linear quadratic optimal control problem", journal="European Journal of Control", year="2007", pages="473-488", volume="13", issn="0947-3580" } @article{ferrante2007, author="A. Ferrante and H. Wimmer", title="Order reduction of discrete-time algebraic Riccati equations with singular closed loop matrix", journal="Operators and Matrices", year="2007", pages="61-70", volume="1" } @article{bilardi2007, author="G. Bilardi and A. Ferrante", title="The role of terminal cost/reward in finite-horizon discrete-time LQ optimal control", journal="Linear Algebra and Its Applications", year="2007", pages="323-344", volume="425", issn="0024-3795" } @article{colaneri2006, author="P. Colaneri and A. Ferrante", title="Algebraic Riccati equation and J-spectral factorization for H_infinity filtering and deconvolution", journal="Siam Journal on Control and Optimization", year="2006", pages="123-145", volume="45 No. 1", issn="0363-0129" } @article{ticozzi2006, author="F. Ticozzi and A. Ferrante", title="Dynamical decoupling in quantum control: A system theoretic approach", journal="Systems & Control Letters", year="2006", pages="578-584", volume="55(7)", issn="0167-6911" } @article{ticozzi2006-1, author="F. Ticozzi and A. Ferrante", title="Dynamical Decoupling in Quantum Control: A System Theoretic Approach", journal="Systems & Control Letters", year="2006", pages="578--584", volume="55", issn="0167-6911" } @article{pavon2006, author="M. Pavon and A. Ferrante", title="On the Georgiou-Lindquist Approach to Constrained Kullback-Leibler Approximation of Spectral Densities", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="2006", pages="639-644", volume="51 N. 4", issn="0018-9286" } @article{ferrante2005-1, author="A. Ferrante and G. Marro and L. Ntogramatzidis", title="A parametrization of the solutions of the finite-horizon LQ problem with general cost and boundary conditions", journal="Automatica", year="2005", pages="1359-1366", volume="41", issn="0005-1098" } @article{ferrante2005-3, author="A. Ferrante and L. Ntogramatzidis", title="Employing the algebraic Riccati equation for a parametrization of the solutions of the finite-horizon LQ problem: the discrete-time case", journal="Systems & Control Letters", year="2005", pages="693-703", volume="54(7)", issn="0167-6911" } @article{ferrante2005, author="A. Ferrante", title="Minimal representations of continuous-time processes having spectral density with zeros in the extended imaginary axis", journal="Systems & Control Letters", year="2005", pages="511-520", volume="54(5)", issn="0167-6911" } @article{ferrante2005-2, author="A. Ferrante", title="Positive real lemma: necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of solutions under virtually no assumptions", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="2005", pages="720-724", volume="AC-50(5)", issn="0018-9286" } @article{colaneri2004, author="P. Colaneri and A. Ferrante", title="Algebraic Riccati equation and J-spectral factorization for H_infinity estimation", journal="Systems & Control Letters", year="2004", pages="383-393", volume="51(5)", issn="0167-6911" } @article{ferrante2004, author="A. Ferrante", title="On the structure of the solutions of discrete-time algebraic Riccati Equation with singular closed-loop matrix.", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="2004", pages="2049-2054", volume="AC-49(11)", issn="0018-9286" } @article{ticozzi2004, author="F. Ticozzi and A. Ferrante and M. Pavon", title="Robust Steering of n-level Quantum Systems", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="2004", pages="1742-1745", volume="AC-49(10)", issn="0018-9286" } @article{ticozzi2004, author="F. Ticozzi and A. Ferrante and A. Pavon", title="Robust Steering of N-Level Quantum Systems", journal="Ieee Transactions on Automatic Control", year="2004", pages="1742--1745", volume="49", issn="0018-9286" } @article{ferrante2003, author="A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and S. Pinzoni", title="On the relation between additive and multiplicative decompositions of rational matrix functions", journal="International Journal of Control", year="2003", pages="366-385", volume="76(4)", issn="0020-7179" } @article{ferrante2003-1, author="A. Ferrante and A. Lepschy and U. Viaro", title="Sul tracciamento della carta di Nichols della sensibilita`", journal="Automazione E Strumentazione", year="2003", pages="114-116", volume="LI", issn="0005-1284" } @article{colaneri2002, author="P. Colaneri and A. Ferrante", title="A J-spectral factorization approach for H_infinity estimation problems in discrete-time", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="2002", pages="2108-2113", volume="AC-47(12)", issn="0018-9286" } @article{ferrante2002-2, author="A. Ferrante and W. Krajewski and A. Lepschy and U. Viaro", title="Analytic Stability Margin Design for Unstable and Nonminimum-Phase Plants", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="2002", pages="2117-2121", volume="AC-47(12)", issn="0018-9286" } @article{levy2002, author="B. Levy and A. Ferrante", title="Characterization of Stationary Discrete-Time Gaussian Reciprocal Processes over a Finite Interval", journal="Siam Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications", year="2002", pages="334-355", volume="24(2)", issn="0895-4798" } @article{beghi2002, author="A. Beghi and A. Ferrante and M. Pavon", title="How to steer a quantum system over a Schroedinger bridge", journal="Quantum Information Processing", year="2002", pages="183-206", volume="1(3)", issn="1570-0755" } @article{ferrante2002, author="A. Ferrante and L. Pandolfi", title="On the Solvability of the Positive Real Lemma Equations", journal="Systems & Control Letters", year="2002", pages="209-217", volume="47(3)", issn="0167-6911" } @article{ferrante2002-1, author="A. Ferrante and G. Picci and S. Pinzoni", title="Silverman Algorithm and the structure of Discrete-Time Stochastic Systems", journal="Linear Algebra and Its Applications", year="2002", pages="219-242", volume="351-352", issn="0024-3795" } @article{ferrante2001-1, author="A. Ferrante and A. Lepschy and U. Viaro", title="A variant of a convergent fixed-point algorithm that avoids computing Jacobians", journal="Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics", year="2001", pages="47-54", volume="10", issn="1126-8042" } @article{ferrante2001, author="A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and S. Pinzoni", title="Asymmetric algebraic Riccati equation: A homeomorphic parametrization of the set of solutions", journal="Linear Algebra and Its Applications", year="2001", pages="137-156", volume="329", issn="0024-3795" } @article{ferrante2001-2, author="A. Ferrante and A. Lepschy and U. Viaro", title="Convergence Analysis of a Fixed-Point Algorithm", journal="Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics", year="2001", pages="179-186", volume="9", issn="1126-8042" } @article{cuzzola2001, author="F. Cuzzola and A. Ferrante", title="Explicit formulas for LMI-based $H_2$ filtering and deconvolution", journal="Automatica", year="2001", pages="1443-1449", volume="37", issn="0005-1098" } @article{ferrante2000-1, author="A. Ferrante and S. Zampieri", title="Linear Quadratic Optimization for Systems in the Behavioral Approach", journal="Siam Journal on Control and Optimization", year="2000", pages="159-178", volume="39", issn="0363-0129" } @article{ferrante2000, author="A. Ferrante and G. Picci", title="Minimal Realization and Dynamic Properties of Optimal Smoothers", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="2000", pages="2028-2046", volume="AC-45(11)", issn="0018-9286" } @article{ferrante2000-2, author="A. Ferrante and W. Krajewski and A. Lepschy and U. Viaro", title="Remarks on the steady-state accuracy of a feedback control system", journal="Control and Cybernetics", year="2000", pages="51-67", volume="29(1)", issn="0324-8569" } @article{ferrante1999, author="A. Ferrante and A. Lepschy and U. Viaro", title="A Simple Proof of the Routh Test", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="1999", pages="1306-1309", volume="AC 44(6)", issn="0018-9286" } @article{ferrante1999-1, author="A. Ferrante and W. Krajewski and A. Lepschy and U. Viaro", title="Convergent Algorithm for L_2 Model Reduction", journal="Automatica", year="1999", pages="75-79", volume="35", issn="0005-1098" } @article{ferrante1999-3, author="A. Ferrante and A. Lepschy and U. Viaro", title="Precisione a regime e tipo dei sistemi di controllo", journal="Automazione E Strumentazione", year="1999", pages="125-132", volume="XLVII", issn="0005-1284" } @article{ferrante1999-2, author="A. Ferrante and M. Pavon", title="The Algebraic Riccati Inequality: Parametrization of Solutions Tightest Local Frames and Generalized Feedback Matrices", journal="Linear Algebra and Its Applications", year="1999", pages="187-206", volume="292", issn="0024-3795" } @article{ferrante1998, author="A. Ferrante and B. Levy", title="Canonical Form for Symplectic Matrix Pencils", journal="Linear Algebra and Its Applications", year="1998", pages="259-300", volume="274", issn="0024-3795" } @article{ferrante1997, author="A. Ferrante", title="A homeomorphic characterization of minimal spectral factors", journal="Siam Journal on Control and Optimization", year="1997", pages="1508-1523", volume="35(5)", issn="0363-0129" } @article{ferrante1997-1, author="A. Ferrante", title="A parametrization of the minimal square spectral factors of a nonrational spectral density", journal="Journal of Mathematical Systems Estimation and Control", year="1997", pages="197-226", volume="7(2)", issn="1052-0600" } @article{dalessandro1997, author="D. D'alessandro and A. Ferrante", title="Optimal steering for an extended class of nonholonomic systems using Lagrange functionals", journal="Automatica", year="1997", pages="1635-1646", volume="33(9)", issn="0005-1098" } @article{ferrante1996, author="A. Ferrante and B. Levy", title="Hermitian Solutions of the Equation X=Q+NX^-1N^*", journal="Linear Algebra and Its Applications", year="1996", pages="359-373", volume="247", issn="0024-3795" } @article{michaletzky1995, author="G. Michaletzky and A. Ferrante", title="Splitting subspaces and acausal spectral factors", journal="Journal of Mathematical Systems Estimation and Control", year="1995", pages="363-366", volume="5(3)", issn="1052-0600" } @article{ferrante1994, author="A. Ferrante", title="A parametrization of minimal stochastic realizations", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="1994", pages="2122-2126", volume="39(10)", issn="0018-9286" } @article{ferrante1993, author="A. Ferrante and G. Michaletzky and M. Pavon", title="Parametrization of all minimal square spectral factors", journal="Systems & Control Letters", year="1993", pages="249-254", volume="21", issn="0167-6911" }