@inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="V. Ciccone and A. Ferrante and M. Zorzi", title="Factor analysis with finite data", booktitle="56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control", year="20XX", pages="submitted" } @inproceedings{ferrante2012-3, author="A. Ferrante and L. Ntogramatzidis", title="A reduction technique for generalised Riccati difference equations arising in linear-quadratic optimal", booktitle="Proceedings of the 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2012)", year="2012", pages="7043-7048", note=" [http://dx.medra.org/10.1109/CDC.2012.6426104] " } @incollection{NnAaaa, author="M. Zorzi and F. Ticozzi and A. Ferrante", title="Estimation of Quantum Channels: Identifiability and ML Methods", booktitle="51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2012)", year="2012" } @inproceedings{ferrante2012-2, author="A. Ferrante and L. Ntogramatzidis", title="New Results in Singular Linear Quadratic Optimal Control", booktitle="Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Optimization and Control with Applications", year="2012", pages="331-336" } @incollection{NnAaaa, author="A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and M. Zorzi", title="Structured covariance estimation in high resolution spectral analysis", booktitle="Proc. of Int. Symp. Mathematical Theory of Network and Systems, MTNS 2012", year="2012" } @inproceedings{ferrante2012, author="A. Ferrante and L. Ntogramatzidis", title="The generalised discrete algebraic Riccati equation arising in LQ optimal control problems: Part I", booktitle="Decision and Control (CDC) 2012 IEEE 51st Annual Conference on", year="2012", pages="6394-6399" } @inproceedings{ferrante2012-1, author="A. Ferrante and L. Ntogramatzidis", title="The generalised discrete algebraic Riccati equation arising in LQ optimal control problems: Part II", booktitle="Decision and Control (CDC) 2012 IEEE 51st Annual Conference on", year="2012", pages="6400-6405" } @inproceedings{chiaraMasieroCDC11, author="A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and C. Masiero", title="A new metric for multivariate spectral estimation leading to lowest complexity spectra", booktitle="Proceedings of the 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference", year="2011", month="December", location="Orlando, Florida (USA)" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="F.P. Carli and A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and G. Picci", title="An Efficient Algorithm for Dempster’s Completion of Block–Circulant Covariance Matrices", booktitle="50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC 2011)", year="2011" } @incollection{NnAaaa, author="Aavv and M. Zorzi and A. Ferrante and F. Ticozzi", title="Engineering a Long Distance Free-Space Quantum Channel", booktitle="Isabel", year="2011", address="Barcellona - Spain" } @inproceedings{ntogramatzidis2011-2, author="L. Ntogramatzidis and A. Ferrante", title="Exact Tuning of PID Controllers in Control Feedback Design", booktitle="PROCEEDINGS OF THE 18-TH IFAC WORLD CONGRESS (IFAC 2011)", year="2011", pages="5759-5764" } @inproceedings{ferrante2011-1, author="A. Ferrante and C. Masiero and M. Pavon", title="Multivariate Itakura-Saito distance for spectral estimation: Relation between time and spectral domain relative entropy rates", booktitle="Proceedings of the 43-rd ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications (ISCIE 2011)", year="2011" } @inproceedings{ntogramatzidis2011, author="L. Ntogramatzidis and A. Ferrante", title="On the closed-form solution of the matrix Riccati differential equation for nonsign-controllable pairs", booktitle="Proceedings of the 1-st Australian Control Conference (AUCC 2011)", year="2011", pages="118-123", address="AUS", publisher="Engineers Australia" } @inproceedings{ntogramatzidis2011-1, author="L. Ntogramatzidis and A. Ferrante", title="On the exact solution of the matrix Riccati differential equation", booktitle="PROCEEDINGS OF THE 18-TH IFAC WORLD CONGRESS (IFAC 2011)", year="2011", pages="14556-14561" } @inproceedings{CFPP_MTNS2010, author="F.P. Carli and A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and G. Picci", title="A Maximum Entropy Approach to the Covariance Extension Problem for Reciprocal Processes", booktitle="Proc. of Int. Symp. Mathematical Theory of Network and Systems", year="2010", month="July" } @incollection{Ferrante_Pavon_Zorzi_2009, author="A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and M. Zorzi", title="Application of a global inverse function theorem of Byrnes and Lindquist to a multivariable moment problem with complexity constraint", booktitle="Three Decades of Progress in Control Sciences", year="2010", pages="153-167", address="X. Hu, U. Jonsson, B. Wahlberg, and B. Ghosh (Eds.)", publisher="Springer-Verlag. Berlin" } @inproceedings{ramponi2008, author="F. Ramponi and A. Ferrante and M. Pavon", title="Multivariate spectrum approximation in the Hellinger distance", booktitle="Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - MTNS 08", year="2008", month="July", location="Virginia Tech Blacksburg VA USA" } @inproceedings{ferrante2007, author="A. Ferrante and G. Marro and L. Ntogramatzidis", title="A Hamiltonian approach to the H2 decoupling of previewed input signals", booktitle="Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2007 - ECC07", year="2007", month="July", pages="1149-1154", location="Kos Greece" } @inproceedings{ferrante2007-1, author="A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and F. Ramponi", title="Constrained approximation in the Hellinger distance", booktitle="Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2007 (ecc07)", year="2007", month=" Luglio", pages="322-327", location="Kos Grecia" } @inproceedings{ferrante2007-1, author="A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and F. Ramponi", title="Constrained Spectrum Approximation in The Hellinger Distance", booktitle="Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2007 - ECC07", year="2007", month="July", pages="322-327", location="Kos Greece" } @inproceedings{ticozzi2007, author="F. Ticozzi and A. Ferrante", title="Finding quantum noiseless subsystems: A linear-algebraic approach", booktitle="Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference Physics and Control-PhysCon 2007", year="2007", month="September", location="Berlin", note="Paper N.1378 (http://lib.physcon.ru/?item=1378)" } @inproceedings{ferrante2006, author="A. Ferrante and L. Ntogramatzidis", title="A unified approach to the finite-horizon LQ regulator - Part I: The continuous time", booktitle="Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - CDC 06", year="2006", month="December", pages="5651-5656", address="USA", location="San Diego CA USA", publisher="IEEE" } @inproceedings{ferrante2006-1, author="A. Ferrante and L. Ntogramatzidis", title="A unified approach to the finite-horizon LQ regulator - Part II: The discrete time", booktitle="Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - CDC 06", year="2006", month="December", pages="5657-5662", address="USA", location="San Diego CA USA", publisher="IEEE" } @inproceedings{colaneri2006, author="P. Colaneri and A. Ferrante", title="Algebraic Riccati equation and J-spectral factorization for H-infinity smoothing and deconvolution", booktitle="Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - CDC 06", year="2006", month="December", pages="5742-5747", address="USA", location="San Diego CA USA", publisher="IEEE" } @inproceedings{pavon2005, author="M. Pavon and A. Ferrante", title="A new algorithm for Kullback-Leibler approximation of spectral densities", booktitle="Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and the European Control Conference 2005 - CDC-ECC05", year="2005", month="December", pages="7332-7337" } @inproceedings{ticozzi2005, author="F. Ticozzi and A. Ferrante", title="Linear Algebraic Techniques for Quantum Dynamical Decoupling", booktitle="Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and the European Control Conference 2005 - CDC-ECC05", year="2005", month="December", pages="1806-1810" } @inproceedings{ticozzi2005-1, author="F. Ticozzi and A. Ferrante", title="Linear algebraic techniques for quantum dynamical decoupling", year="2005" } @inproceedings{chiuso2005, author="A. Chiuso and A. Ferrante and G. Picci", title="Reciprocal Realization and Modeling of Textured Images", booktitle="Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and the European Control Conference 2005 - CDC-ECC05", year="2005", month="December", pages="6059-6064" } @inproceedings{ferrante2004-2, author="A. Ferrante and G. Marro and L. Ntogramatzidis", title="A parametrization of the solutions of the Hamiltonian and symplectic systems for uncontrollable pairs", booktitle="Proceedings of the 2th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation -MED 2004", year="2004", month="June" } @inproceedings{ferrante2004, author="A. Ferrante and W. Krajewski and A. Lepschy and U. Viaro", title="L2 Model Reduction - Nongradient Approach", booktitle="Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Systems Science", year="2004", month="September", pages="263-270" } @inproceedings{ferrante2004-1, author="A. Ferrante and W. Krajewski and A. Lepschy and U. Viaro", title="Simultaneous Stabilization of Multiple Equilibrium Points", booktitle="Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics - MMAR 04", year="2004", month="August", pages="321-324" } @inproceedings{ferrante2004-3, author="A. Ferrante and W. Krajewski and A. Lepschy and S. Miani and U. Viaro", title="Simultaneous stabilization of multiple equilibrium points", booktitle="Proceedings of the 43th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - CDC 04", year="2004", month="December", pages="2533-2536" } @inproceedings{ticozzi2004, author="F. Ticozzi and A. Ferrante and M. Pavon", title="Stability and robustness in coherent quantum control", booktitle="Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Network and Systems - MTNS 2004", year="2004", month="July", pages="1-14", volume="1 paper 271" } @inproceedings{ferrante2003-1, author="A. Ferrante and G. Marro and L. Ntogramatzidis", title="Employing the algebraic Riccati equation for the solution of the finite-horizon LQ problem", booktitle="Proceedings of the 42th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - CDC 03", year="2003", month="December", pages="210-214" } @inproceedings{ferrante2003, author="A. Ferrante and G. Picci and S. Pinzoni", title="Spectral Factorization and Stochastic Realization with Zeros on the Unit Circle", booktitle="Proceedings of the 42th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - CDC 03", year="2003", month="December", pages="1398-1403" } @inproceedings{ferrante2002-3, author="A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and G. Raccanelli", title="Control of quantum systems using model-based feedback strategies", booktitle="Proceedings off the 15th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - MTNS 02", year="2002", month="August", pages="2178/3:1-2178/3:9" } @inproceedings{ferrante2002, author="A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and G. Raccanelli", title="Driving the propagator of a spin system: a feedback approach", booktitle="Proceedings of the 41th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - CDC 02", year="2002", month="December", pages="46-50" } @inproceedings{ferrante2002-2, author="A. Ferrante and G. Picci and S. Pinzoni", title="Non-regular processes and singular Kalman filtering", booktitle="Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - MTNS 02", year="2002", month="August", pages="350/4:1-350/4:13" } @inproceedings{ferrante2002-1, author="A. Ferrante and W. Krajewski and A. Lepschy and U. Viaro", title="Robustness with respect to phase variation: A design criterion", booktitle="Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics", year="2002", month="September", pages="433-438" } @inproceedings{colaneri2001, author="P. Colaneri and A. Ferrante", title="H_infinity estimation problems in discrete-time via J-spectral factorization", booktitle="Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - CDC 01", year="2001", month="December", pages="3500-3505" } @inproceedings{ferrante2001, author="A. Ferrante and W. Krajewski and A. Lepschy and U. Viaro", title="Simple procedure for analytic stability margin design", booktitle="Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics", year="2001", month="August", pages="309-314" } @inproceedings{ferrante2000, author="A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and S. Pinzoni", title="A homeomorphic characterization of the set of solutions of a non symmetric Algebraic Riccati Equation", booktitle="Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - MTNS 2000", year="2000", month="June", pages="B265:1-B265:6" } @inproceedings{ferrante2000-1, author="A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and S. Pinzoni", title="Additive versus multiplicative decompositions of rational matrix functions and related continuity results", booktitle="Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - MTNS 2000", year="2000", month="June", pages="B264:1-B264:8" } @inproceedings{beghi2000, author="A. Beghi and A. Ferrante and M. Pavon", title="Steering a quantum system over a Schroedinger bridge", booktitle="Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - MTNS 2000", year="2000", month="June", pages="B268:1-B268:5" } @inproceedings{ferrante1999, author="A. Ferrante and W. Krajewski and A. Lepschy and U. Viaro", title="A Convergent Algorithm for L_2 Optimal MIMO Model Reduction", booktitle="Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology - AMST 99", year="1999", pages="651-657" } @inproceedings{ferrante1998, author="A. Ferrante and G. Picci", title="System-Theoretic Properties and Efficient Implementation of the Steady-State Optimal Smoother", booktitle="Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - MTNS 98", year="1998", month="July", pages="791-794" }