@inbook{CaFePaPi2010, author="F.P. Carli and A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and G. Picci", title="in X. Hu, U. Jonsson, B. Wahlberg, and B. Ghosh (Eds.) Three Decades of Progress in Control Sciences", year="2010", pages="77-93", chapter="A Maximum Entropy solution of the Covariance Selection Problem for Reciprocal Processes", publisher="Springer-Verlag, Berlin" } @inbook{ferrante2010, author="A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and M. Zorzi", title="Three Decades of Progress in Control Sciences", year="2010", pages="285--297", address="Berlin", chapter="Application of a global inverse function theorem of Byrnes and Lindquist to a multivariable moment problem with complexity constraint", isbn="9783642112775", publisher="Springer Verlag", note=" [10.1007/978-3-642-11278-2] " } @inbook{ferrante2007-1, author="A. Ferrante and W. Krajewski and U. Viaro", title="A Tribute to Antonio Lepschy", year="2007", pages="93-103", address="PADOVA", chapter="The Iterative-Interpolation Approach to L_2 Model Reduction", publisher="Libreria Progetto" } @inbook{ferrante2007, author="A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and F. Ramponi", title="Modeling Estimation and Control: Festschrift in Honor of Giorgio Picci on The Occasion of His Sixty-fifth Birthday", year="2007", pages="73-83", volume="364", address="BERLIN", chapter="Further results on the Byrnes-Georgiou-Lindquist generalized moment problem", isbn="978-3-540-73569-4", publisher="Springer", note="SERIES: LECTURE NOTES IN CONTROL AND INFORMATION SCIENCES" } @book{NnAaaa, author="A. Chiuso and A. Ferrante and S. Pinzoni", title="Modeling, Estimation and Control. A Festschrift in Honor of Giorgio Picci on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday", year="2007", series="Lect. Notes in Control and Information Sciences", publisher="Springer" } @book{ferrante2000, author="A. Ferrante and A. Lepschy and U. Viaro", title="Introduzione ai Controlli Automatici", year="2000", pages="1-522", address="TORINO", isbn="88-7750-659-8", publisher="UTET" } @book{ferrante2000-1, author="A. Ferrante", title="Temi di Esame di Fondamenti di Automatica Svolti e Commentati", year="2000", pages="1-108", address="MILANO", publisher="CLUP" }