@article{NnAaaa, author="M. Bisiacco and M.E. Valcher", title="Zero-time-controllability and dead-beat control of two-dimensional behaviors", journal="SIAM J. on Control and Optimization", year="2013", pages="195-220", volume="51" } @article{NnAaaa, author="M. Bisiacco and M.E. Valcher", title="Dead-beat control in the behavioral approach", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="2012", pages="2163-2175", volume="57" } @article{bisiacco2008, author="M. Bisiacco and M.E. Valcher", title="Dead-beat estimation problems for 2D behaviors", journal="Multidimensional Systems And Signal Processing", year="2008", pages="287--306", volume="19", issn="0923-6082" } @article{bisiacco2006, author="M. Bisiacco and M.E. Valcher and J. Willems", title="A behavioral approach to estimation and dead-beat observer design with applications to state-space models", journal="IEEE transactions On automatic control", year="2006", pages="1787-1797", volume="51", issn="0018-9286" } @article{bisiacco2006-1, author="M. Bisiacco and M.E. Valcher", title="Observer-based fault detection and isolation for 2D state-space models", journal="Multidimensional Systems And Signal Processing", year="2006", pages="219--242", volume="17", issn="0923-6082" } @article{bisiacco2006, author="M. Bisiacco and M.E. Valcher", title="The general fault detection and isolation problem for 2D state-space models", journal="Systems & Control Letters", year="2006", pages="894--899", volume="55", issn="0167-6911" } @article{bisiacco2005, author="M. Bisiacco and M.E. Valcher", title="Two-dimensional behavior decompositions with finite-dimensional intersection: a complete characterization", journal="Multidimensional Systems And Signal Processing", year="2005", pages="335--354", volume="16", issn="0923-6082" } @article{bisiacco2004-1, author="M. Bisiacco and M.E. Valcher", title="Observers and Luenberger-type observers for 2D state-space models affected by unknown inputs", journal="WSEAS Transactions On Circuits And Systems", year="2004", pages="1268--1273", volume="3", issn="1109-2734" } @article{bisiacco2004, author="M. Bisiacco and M.E. Valcher", title="Unknown input observers for 2D state-space models", journal="International Journal Of Control", year="2004", pages="861--876", volume="77", issn="0020-7179" } @article{bisiacco2002, author="M. Bisiacco and M.E. Valcher", title="Some results on the relationship between two-dimensional behaviors decompositions and the factor skew-primeness property", journal="multidimensional systems And signal processing", year="2002", pages="289-315", volume="13", issn="0923-6082" } @article{bisiacco2002-1, author="M. Bisiacco and M.E. Valcher", title="Two-dimensional behavior decompositions with finite-dimensional intersection", journal="wseas transactions On circuits And systems", year="2002", pages="50-55", volume="1", issn="1109-2734" } @article{bisiacco2001, author="M. Bisiacco and M.E. Valcher", title="A note on the direct sum decomposition of two-dimensional behaviors", journal="IEEE transactions On circuits And systems i. fundamental theory And applications", year="2001", pages="490-494", volume="48", issn="1057-7122" } @article{bisiacco2001-2, author="M. Bisiacco and M.E. Valcher", title="Autonomous behaviors decomposition and modal analysis", journal="international journal Of control", year="2001", pages="1690-1705", volume="74", issn="0020-7179" } @article{bisiacco2001-1, author="M. Bisiacco and M.E. Valcher", title="Behavior decompositions and two-sided diophantine equations", journal="automatica", year="2001", pages="1387-1395", volume="37", issn="0005-1098" } @article{bisiacco2000, author="M. Bisiacco and P. Gallina and G. Rosati and A. Rossi", title="Development of a state-space water-level control for an array of cells to be employed as compensator in radiotherapy", journal="dynamics And control", year="2000", pages="399-417", volume="10", issn="0925-4668" }